Saturday, July 3, 2010

The arrival of baby Lauren!

My sweet baby Lauren finally arrived! And much to my surprise she arrived on her due date. I was NOT expecting this at all considering I had never even had one before my due date.
I started going into labor about 1am and by 4am I decided to go to the birth center to see if anything was really happening. I got a little worried when we got there and they checked me, the midwife said I don't think your really in labor...what? Aw man! So she gave me a couple of pills to help me sleep and said go home and get some rest. So I headed home and tried to go back to sleep. Didn't happen, I kept having contractions. They didn't hurt really but kept me awake none the less. So at about 7am, when all my kids started waking up, I decided to get up and that's when the real ones started. As I walked around the house thinking these kinda hurt, I still kept thinking, "am I in labor?" Now mind you this is my 5Th child, you would think I would know if I was in labor but didn't. So my husband gets everyone off to school and then tells me he's heading to work. I was like, "DO WHAT?". I'm possibly in labor and your gonna go to work and leave me with two toddlers! I was a little worried. He assured me he was just running in to give them his paper work and comin right back. I decided to called my mom, Darlin (that's what my kids call her thanks to the oldest, Andrew), and she came pretty quickly. I went and tried to lay back down and get more sleep but the contractions kept getting stronger, finally I called my husband and found out he was on his way home, THANK GOODNESS! As soon as he got home, we left! When we got to the birth center we found out just how close we came to having her at home, I was 7 almost 8 and had her at 10:20 am (an hour after getting there ).
She is the sweetest baby! She's so good and sleeps great. She put herself on a schedule and pretty much sticks to it. She's asleep by 11:30 most nights (unless mom has eaten something she shouldn't have and gives her gas). She will be 10 weeks old on Wednesday. She can really smile up a storm when you talk to her and has started cooing back. I love her with all my heart and I'm so blessed to have her! All the kids have welcomed her with open arms (sometimes literally!) even Jacob who I thought might be the jealous one loves her to death! Can't stop kissing her feet! more to come on that one :) I thank God so much for blessing me with her!

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